It’s been a little over a year now since the first generation Apple Watch was released. And since then there have been over 8,500 apps made for it. It is literally your phone on your wrist, who wouldn’t want that; I know I do. It would save me the trouble of taking it out of my pocket and just looking at my wrist to see who texted, tweeted or tagged me on a social media trend. I don’t own one myself, but if i did, I’d use the heck out of it. If you own an Apple Watch, do you use it often or do you find yourself neglecting it and still reaching for the phone?
It seems many people who own an Apple Watch don’t really use the full potential of it.
It is just another extension of ourselves as much as our phone is, but like anything else you have to train your brain to use it. With the release of WatchOS 2 (the operating system for the Apple Watch) more apps will be native, which means you won’t need your iPhone near you for the app to work. That’s a big improvement in the software and a big change on how you might use your watch. Being able to use your watch, independent of your phone, will hopefully make you feel more comfortable turning your wrist instead of reaching into your pocket.
Before ignoring your watch, I highly recommend going and checking out the App Store. You might see an app that makes you want to check your watch on a regular basis. And remember the next time you get a message or want to check the weather, stop for a second and think what you have on your wrist. Utilize that gadget you have, It’s not just a watch that tells time anymore.